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Fiber Optic cables connected to optic ports and UTP, Network cables connected to ethernet ports

Google an AI – a Superpower?!

July 10, 2023

Have you heard about Google using AI:“Google’s latest update to its privacy policy will make it so that the company has free range to scrape the web for any content that can benefit building and improving its AI tools” Major issues Girding the mass development of artificial intelligence are questions about sequestration, plagiarism, and whether AI can disband correct information. Machine Literacy is a form of artificial intelligence grounded on algorithms that are trained on data. These algorithms can descry patterns and learn how to make prognostications and…

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Cybercrime strikes a school

June 5, 2023

What happens when a academy system is targeted by a ransomware group? The school refuses to pay, and therefore gets their stolen data ditched noncommercial onto the dark web? Well, it’s indeed worse than it sounds, as NBC’s Kevin Collier set up this week when he dug through portions of a trove of 200,000 lines…

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