Whether you are a business or a home user looking to protect their data. We have five tips that will help you in this increasingly tech oriented world.
Whether you are a business or a home user looking to protect their data. We have five tips that will help you in this increasingly tech oriented world.

1. Use passwords on your devices and make them stronger
Sounds like a gimme, right? A lot of you use the same password or a variation of it for multiple accounts, stop it. You need to use multiple passwords. Also stop using birthdays or other dates as part of your password. These are some of the easier passwords to crack. If you are having issues with remembering passwords, most web browsers offer a way for them to securely store your passwords. They also have ways of generating very strong passwords for you that are randomly generated. With the amount of public data breaches going on, you need to protect passwords. They are the only thing standing between a criminal and your data. Unless you use...
2. Set up two-factor authentication
This is a wonderful tool that allows you to input a randomly generated set of alphanumeric symbols. Some companies send a pin via text, others make you use an authenticator app. We highly recommend using these for every account you are able to.
3. Don't send data over unsecured wifi
Stop online shopping while you are at Starbucks. Stop using free wifi in general. You agree to let them track and collect your data while on it. If they are just going to sell your data in exchange for their service, no bueno in our book.
4. Don't send it via email or messaging app
Some many people we know have told us that they send payment card info, or other important personal information via email or messaging app. Don't. We know a lot of apps have access to things like messaging apps and even your email app. These apps may be harmless, but what happens if that info falls into the wrong hands?
5. Back it up
You never know when a disaster could hit and you might lose all of your data. If you back it up regularly, your downtime can be severely reduced. If you don't, then there may be nothing you can do to recover important documents.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of these five tips, please contact us. We would love to start helping you protect your data today!