In today's tech world, you may hear or see people talk about Data Backup and Recovery. What does it mean and why do they go on so much about it? It never seems to be a priority till it's too late and the victims of a power surge or a ransomware attack, or other disaster have no choice but to start over or pay millions in Bitcoin. Think about this: what do you do if your laptop/phone/computer is struck by lightning, lost, stolen or just simply the hard drive gives up.

Data Backup and Recovery has so many ways to be done and a very large range of prices and effectiveness. There are many options for data backup and there are even cell providers who offer cloud storage to back up information.

Please make sure you have a plan for such a serious thing and stick to it. It can save you money, time, and those special memories you have saved on the laptop. If you’re not sure what that looks like to you and want to know more, we can help you navigate this. Take the time to reach out or watch a YouTube video, either way please take care of the things you care about in such a crazy world. If you don’t have time, or are uncomfortable with doing any of it, we can manage these things for you.

Cloud Data Cabinet