Cyber Security and Social Engineering

Cyber security isn’t always about some guy behind a keyboard “hacking” into your computer. Some of what a hacker is looking for is an easy target that can be manipulated. They like to take advantage of people who aren’t aware of how these people approach you over the phone, e-mail, or in real life. The hackers tend to use methods that cause panic and hasty responses from the target.

Not all attacks are hurried, some take an approach of trying to earn your trust by pretending to be someone trustworthy. That email from Amazon trying to give you a free item or a bill, that’s not Amazon. This method is called phishing and get lots of people to make a mistake. If someone is rushing you to make a decision about something, it’s okay to take a step back and analyze things, but this technique allows them a chance to keep you disarmed and relaxed during the process. Being conscious of how these attacks work is a big part of keeping yourself safe.

Trust is a big part of how the attacks get access into your computer and in turn your information. Don’t trust a source of information you haven’t vetted yet. Take time in decisions that affect your money and the access to it. Some sources for these types of services have a very strong vetting process and affords a chance to let our guard down with sources they suggest for us to use. When you download an app from Google Play, Microsoft, or on your iTunes/Apple Store you know that the source has some type of credibility to the trustworthiness they tout.

Being mindful and aware of the sources we use and the methods we interact with them, allows us a level of comfort in knowing what we have established is working and safe. Don’t let someone interrupt that by getting you to make a mistake, without verifying that they are who they claim to be.  Take your time with verifying who they are, no one who wants to get paid legitimately will care that you do this. Taking your time isn’t just to provoke the people who want to hack you but to make sure you’re taking the correct steps. A flawed verification process can leave you vulnerable to the attack. Don’t use information the source sent you to verify anything, go directly to the people they claim to be and ask for verification.

No matter what you do, make yourself and in turn the people around you safe, by making sound decisions in protecting your information and your finances.
Call us at 918-550-4916 to discuss our security options.